Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Parent Perspective: Middle School Years
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
In our next episode of Parent Perspective, Jen and Tesha welcomed Christopher Marra as our special guest to discuss his experience with his son, Jonathan, during his middle school years. In the fourth episode of this series, Chris expresses Jonathan's struggles in Middle School, such as making new friends, going through puberty, and returning to school after the COVID pandemic. Overall, this episode is informative yet filled with resources for any family with a child starting middle school.
Show Notes:
- Jen Kostek, 860-399-1888 ext. 311
- Tesha Tramontano-Kelly, ttk358consultingllc@gmail.com
- Elyssa Tomczyk, 860-399-1888 x331
- Learn more about SARAH Inc KIDSTEPS Early Intervention
Have a question or want to leave us feedback? Email us at Marketing@sarah-inc.org call us at 860-399-1888 ext 200.
Ninety-Nine Percent Effective is recorded and edited by Elyssa Tomczyk.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed during this episode belonging to hosts and speakers do not necessarily reflect SARAH Inc.’s.